On 7th August 2018, Eleanor (aged 11 yrs) suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury and T12 burst fracture. The following day, Eleanor was transferred to UHNM in Newcastle Under Lyme where she underwent emergency surgery. Only able to wiggle her toes, some days later, Eleanor was carefully moved to Alice Ward at RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital in Oswestry. 6 weeks of strict bed rest followed to allow the spinal cord its best chance to recover. Determination & perseverance from Eleanor, her parents, little sister, an army of friends, family & the dogs combined with the clinical excellence received by the teams of doctors and nurses at both UHNM and RJAH turned the tide of fate. By mid- October, Eleanor was back at school part-time on crutches. Today, 10 months on and Eleanor has re-learnt to walk and worked incredibly hard to regain almost full power in her legs. For Eleanor, a keen rider, her greatest frustration yet key motivator has been to ride her horse, Clover again. She is building up to this goal on a mechanical horse and we all cant wait to see her back riding Clover again soon.
This walk is to raise awareness for Spinal Cord Injuries.
This walk is to pay homage to the NHS medical care & excellence Eleanor received.
The walk is to have fun spending quality time with friends and family.
This walk is to raise funds for RJAH Alice Ward to purchase some fun extras for the children.
As a family, this walk is our way to celebrate that Determination Delivers.
Thank you for joining us & donating - we hope you have a great day!