After more than 30 years of use, our otter hospital building is showing its age and so we have launched this Appeal to fundraise for a replacement. The building was originally part of Skye Environmental Centre and over the years we have taken all sorts of orphaned and injured wildlife, including hedgehogs, bats, pine martens, seals and various birds. So we not only need facilities for the otters but also small mammal boxes and indoor aviaries.
IOSF was founded in 1993 and has since cared for over 220 otters in our specialist facilities on the Isle of Skye. We also provide help and advice to people involved in wildlife rescue in other parts of the UK. Each year, IOSF receives between 10-14 otters and currently we have eight in our care, including Holly (below) who arrived weighing under 500g. We have also helped people involved in the care and rehabilitation of over 160 otters in 56 countries around the world.
Cubs can be born at any time of the year and they stay with their mothers for 12-15 months. They therefore have to remain with IOSF for the same period of time, otherwise they will not survive once released. It is vital to release otters in favourable conditions, so even if an animal is old enough for release in winter, it will be kept until the spring to maximise chances of survival.
In 2017 we launched an appeal to help us with Phase I of our facility upgrade and were thrilled to have this completed in 2019. Thank you. This enables us to maintain a smooth and favourable transition for cubs from the nursery pens all the way to release.
Now it is time for Phase II - the hospital, and with your help we can improve our indoor facilities in the near future too A new, easily maintained building, designed around its use from reception of animals and equipment, to feeding and care, storage and animal accommodation.
We're hoping you can dig deep or organise fundraising events to support this venture to ensure that our rehabilitation work for otters will continue into the future. If you create your own JustGiving fundriasing page for it, you can link it to this Appeal.
Please share this with your friends and family, get them involved too. Help us to help otters and other wildlife.
Our caring programme on Skye has three stages:
1. Cub pens When a cub arrives they are usually 8-12 weeks old and so they need small indoor pens where they are warm and can be monitored on a regular basis.
2. Nursery pens These are small outside pens with a pool and a sleeping area which can be heated if necessary. Cubs are moved here when they are 4-6 months old depending on the weather.
3. Larger pre-release pens These are large pens with a natural pool where the otters are prepared for release.
Thank You!
And, thanks to everyone who has donated so far, both online and offline. This total tells you the whole story. You are incredible and we are encouraged and thrilled by your support.
Your support is fantastic, and we want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas...