Hi, my name is Eli, I am 5 years old and live in Doncaster. When I was born I was diagnosed with a chromosome disorder called Trisomy 9p. Trisomy 9p is a rare chromosome disorder which causes intellectual and physical disabilities. I also struggle with communication, hypotonia and sensory processing disorder and have a PEG tube. I have specialist seating at home and school, wears AFO's (splints) to support my walking and have a compression suit and sleeve to help support my core and left arm.
I struggle to walk very far and have a wheelchair to help transport me when I am tired. Both my ankles collapse inwards significantly and my feet turn outwards which makes it hard for me to move round objects and I lose my balance easily.
Eli is a sociable, happy and funny little boy. He loves Hot Wheels cars and horse riding. One of his favourite activities is also shopping with his Daddy on a Saturday!
We are fundraising to help him access not only hydrotherapy, which will help build his muscle strength, stamina and coordination but also a specialist trike which will allow him to learn to ride a bike like other little boys his age.
Any support for Eli in his journey would be gratefully received.
Thank you