Your impact: $1 = 10 meals
Every dollar you give can provide at least 10 meals to children and families in need through the REACHH food network
Giving monthly is the most effective way to help feed kids and families year-round.
$100 / Month - Will help provide 1,000 meals each month
$50 / Month - Will help provide 500 meals each month
$35 / Month - Will help provide 350 meals each month
$20 / Month - Will help provide 200 meals each month
$15 / Month - Will help provide 150 meals each month
$10 / Month - Will help provide 100 meals each month
Donations made through this appeal support REACHHs entire mission and will not be designated to a specific program or location. Your support helps us continue to serve members of our community in need. You are helping us fund programs and services that empower children, adults, and families in our programs to live, grow, work and thrive. Should it not be possible for you to donate, please help spread the word and encourage others to support us. Every donation makes an immense difference.