Help save the rainforests and fight climate change by hugging 100 trees to raise money for our Rainforest Climate Action Fund. You can do this on your own, as part of a team, workplace or classroom.
Click on the orange 'Start fundraising' button on the right to set up your own personal fundraising page, and Rainforest Trust UK will send you a free limited edition Hug 100 Trees T-shirt to wear while you're out tree-hugging for the planet!
When your fundraising page is ready, you can start sharing it with your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues and ask them to sponsor your tree-hugging exploits. You can also set up a separate page for your children, or create a family page - it's up to you! And don't forget to share some photos of you hugging trees on your fundraising page and social media.
100% of your donation goes to conservation action. We use Gift Aid and private donations to cover our operating costs, so you can give knowing your whole gift will protect rainforests (excluding transaction costs where applicable).
Put simply, we can't survive on a planet without trees, so show them some love by becoming a Rainforest Trust UK tree hugger. You can hug any trees you like in your local park, a nearby woodland, a beautiful forest, your garden, even in the street! You can hug all your 100 trees on the same day, or spread your tree-hugging out, its entirely up to you. The only rule is that they must be 100 different trees.
Rainforests store and sequester billions of tonnes of carbon, protecting our planet from the impacts of climate change. They also provide vital habitat for half the world's species, many of which are endangered. But tropical deforestation is once again on the rise. If deforestation were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after China and the United States. So now its time for us to step up and show the trees we love them - and save the rainforests for the benefit of future generations.
The Rainforest Climate Action Fund supports projects which which supports our most important carbon-rich rainforest protection projects. Raising money for this fund may be the most efficient way to fight climate change right now, and together we aim to permanently lock in 15 billion metric tonnes of carbon by 2025. You can find out more about the Rainforest Climate Action Fund by clicking here .