Please donate here to support HubGrub - The Hub's efforts in helping those in our community who who are currently unable to meet their food or utility bills.
These funds will be used to help local people facing tough times, who are unable to afford food for themselves or their families. This is a real, and, sadly, growing need right here in our villages, right now.
Your donation will mean we can support people in urgent or ongoing need, through working with the local foodbanks, by providing advice and support, by supplementing the non-perishable food parcels with fresh food, or to purchase items the foodbanks are short on.
This will be in addition to our ongoing collection of food, toiletries and cleaning products - which we hope you will continue to support, and are vital to the success of this initiative (please check our facebook page for latest requests). We are grateful for all that has been donated so far, and those that continue to drop off donations every week.
We know these are difficult times for many - but if you are in the position to help, we would really appreciate a donation of whatever you can afford.