This year, join us for the Nation’s Biggest Housewarming to show your support for Fuel Poverty Awareness Day! The Nation’s Biggest Housewarming is a great way to get together with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, or even as a school to raise vital funds and awareness to tackle fuel poverty across the UK.
Taking place the week of the 25-29 November, you can hold your housewarming event any day of the week. Whether you want to hold an event at home, in your office or at your school, there’s lots of different ways to take part and get involved.
The event you choose is up to you, it could be a bake sale, a dress-down day, raffle, or wear your oodie to school day! We’ll send you a resource pack with everything you need to get started, including posters, activity ideas and items to help you decorate your housewarming space.
Why join The Nation’s Biggest Housewarming 2024
With energy bills still sky-high, millions are facing another desperate winter struggling to stay warm at home. Right now, National Energy Action is working tirelessly to make the country a warmer, safer place for families and individuals leading really tough lives. Today, as you read this, people are having to take unthinkable actions with overstretched incomes. They are rationing their heating, going without warm showers or hot meals, and even cutting back on essentials, just to keep their heads above water. These are actions that people living in the sixth richest economy in the world should not have to take.
We need to be there to help people through the difficult winter months and lift as many as we can out of fuel poverty, so no one has to suffer in the cold at home. But we need your help.
By taking part in The Nation’s Biggest Housewarming, you will be helping to raise life-changing funds to support people experiencing fuel poverty and supporting a united voice to campaign for change.