Help raise vital funds to end homelessness by making a Home Pledge for St Mungo's.
Take on our Home Pledge challenge and get sponsored to do something tough, fun or brand new for a month. Take on a personal challenge or pledge as a group, household or team. And dont forget to nominate a friend to join the challenge!
1. Get creative and decide on your pledge.
2. Create your JustGiving page.
3. Ask friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you for your challenge.
4. Nominate a friend to take on Home Pledge.
The funds you raise will help us make sure that our clients are supported into a home of their own. Our vision is that everyone has a place to call home and can fulfill their hopes and ambitions.
By raising £50 or more, you could help a homeless person off the streets for good.
· £25 helps keep our outreach vans running for a week
· £50 funds a counselling session for a person who is homeless
· £100 buys resources for our Recovery Colleges