Comic Relief

Sport Relief 2024 - Holland & Barrett

Holland & Barrett is Comic Relief's newest partner for 2024. We are working together to make wellness a way of life for everyone and have some fun along the way.
Event: Holland & Barrett Comic Relief, on 31 July 2027
RCN 326568

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We know here at Holland & Barrett that sport and movement can make the world of difference to everyone’s health and wellness, and we could go on about it forever – but we are taking that one step further this summer raising money for Sport Relief.

This summer, we want to get the nation moving, bring people together and use that energy, that commonality, to raise money for those who aren’t afforded equal opportunities, simply because of who they are or where they’re from.

For over 20 years, Comic Relief's Sport for Change funding has been supporting projects in the UK and across the world tackling poverty and injustice through sport. Your money could empower Muslim girls through fencing, harness the power of running for young people experiencing homelessness or secure equal opportunities for deaf children in India through football.

Let’s make sure any movement we all do over the summer has the most impact on ourselves, and our communities. Can’t wait to see what you all do and how much we can raise for Sport Relief.

About the charity

Comic Relief

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RCN 326568
Comic Relief supports incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world. Since 1985, Comic Relief has raised over £1.3 billion to help those who need it most.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £3,940.84 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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