Hero is a twin born at the start of the pandemic. His twin, elder sister and brother are unaffected.
Already in his short life he has faced big differences in his abilities with frequent falls and fatigue. As he grows he will understand more, and see the differences for himself.
We hope by raising awareness of his condition he gets to enjoy life, and minimise the inequality of opportunity for him.
When sitting and telling our older children about Hero's condition we explained his muscles didn't work like ours, he would get more tired and need a wheelchair to get around. His sister simply said that it was ok as he can throw the ball and they can run and get it!
Her beautiful mind already working out how to include him in play, yet we want more for him! We want him to run, to jump and to have a childhood of fun and joy!
That's why were raising money, for his future!
Net proceeds from Hero’s Fight Against DMD will be split 80% for research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy and 20% for the family's welfare