How we are helping:
- Increased Demand we have taken more than 3,000 calls for information, advice, reassurance and social contact.
- Shopping Requests Since the lockdown began, we have arranged approximately 400 new shops and prescription collections
We are supporting the most vulnerable in our community and we need help to keep them safe, well, and reassured that there is help at hand. Here are just two examples:
Alan and Deborah of Barry with vital shopping supplies. Deborah has several serious health conditions and the Age Connects shopping assistance service was recommended to husband Alan by health advisers. Age Connects volunteer Amy is now helping with the couples shopping. Full of praise for the dedicated volunteer, Alan says that the service has literally saved my wifes life. Alan adds: We are so thankful for the Age Connects service and look forward to seeing Amy, a real ray of sunshine.
A fall just before the coronavirus outbreak left 80 year old Cardiff resident Ronnie virtually housebound. With no local family to assist, his niece Sara who lives in the Midlands contacted Age Connects for help and volunteer Jules now delivers shopping and makes regular phone calls to maintain contact with Ronnie. Sara has described Age Connects and Jules as an absolute lifeline. She adds: Jules has been a constant in his life the past few weeks. Her phone calls and shopping deliveries have been extremely supportive and her approach has been so kind and thoughtful. She has been invaluable to both Ronnie and myself, an extra pair of eyes and ears. She closes: This service has been superb and was up and running smoothly from the outset Thank you you are very much appreciated.