The Hub was estabilshed as an independent local charity three years ago to Bridge the Gaps affecting adults in our Goring Gap community. We have grown rapidly and are now improving the lives of c.120 people a month; providing guidance, support and activities.
With more and more people in our community being impacted by the aftermath of Covid and the cost of living crisis, The Hub is an essential part of our villages' support network. We play a vital role in preventing/narrowing gaps in our community, and provide an accessible safety-net so your family and friends receive the support they need, right at the heart of our villages.
We are now the first port of call for so many. Without The Hub, what would happen to people like these?
o Mark* who lives alone and describes our clubs as,
o June* who is struggling to care for her partner with late-stage dementia
o Sarah* who had just 37p left in the world;
I literally didn't know where my next meal was coming from - thank you for all your help.
Please help us in one (or both) of the following ways:
o Become a Friend of The Hub to show your support by contacting or calling 01491 525 637
o Make a Donation to our Help the Hub appeal
Making your donation is simple and safe - follow the instructions here on Just Giving (you do not have to pay a fee - just click "other" and reduce the suggested amount to £0). Alternatively contact The Hub to donate directly by cash, bank transfer, cheque or card (card payments can only be done in person not over the phone, sorry).
We know times are getting tougher for everyone. But if you are in the fortunate position to be able to spare something, a donation - of any size - would make an enormously positive impact on our charity's ability to support the local people in the Goring Gap. For example, just £25 could fund assistance with applying for a blue badge. Or perhaps your company/community group could fund a week, or a month's running costs at The Hub?
We need to raise c.£5000 each month to continue with our existing drop-in centre, services, support and classes. We receive no statutory funding and have been covering our costs through fundraising/grants. But the economic crisis brings rising costs, reduced availability of grants, and increasing demand for our services - meaning we need more help from our community to help those in need within our community.
Please contact us if you have any queries - or would like to help in any way.
On behalf of the Trustees, and all those who will benefit from your generosity, a huge thank you for enabling us to continue this essential work in this wonderful community! Melanie Meads, Founder
* Names changed for privacy