Nathusius pipistrelle is one of Britains 17 breeding bat species. Weighing just 8 grams on average it is the largest and rarest of our three pipistrelle species and is typically found around wetland habitats. It occurs across the UK with a peak in records during the late summer and autumn when many individuals migrate from Eastern to Western Europe (that's over 1400km!).
The aims of the National Nathusius Pipistrelle Project are to determine the migratory origins of this species in Great Britain and the breeding status of resident populations. Since 2014 volunteers from bat groups have been doing amazing work carrying out trapping surveys at lakes, enabling bats to be examined in order to determine the species, sex, age and breeding condition. Nathusius pipistrelles have had small identifying rings attached to one of their forearms before being released. Upon recapture these rings inform bat workers and researchers of the individual bats movements.
With the help of generous donors such as yourself, we will be able to increase our knowledge of this enigmatic species which will no doubt lead to further exciting discoveries in the future.