Part of Cana's school building has been demolished to permit the government to build a new road. The history of Cana Junior Children's Centre has been riddled with misfortune. When we first became involved with Cana, they were in one little room divided with boards. It was dark, and it was hard to see how the children could learn in such a dark space but also in such close proximity to each other behind the boards. So we helped to upgrade the building.
In 2016, Cana fell victim to arson. The school lost so much; chairs melted, books burnt, but thank God no children were hurt. Following the fire, a little church in the neighbourhood took them in. Together they raised funds and created a church space on the ground floor and built 7 small classrooms and an office upstairs.
Shortly after settling down in their new building, government officials judged it as unsafe so further work was undertaken. Even though they have been using the building for several years, they were always looking over their shoulders for further governmental interference. In December 2020 the government returned, this time, to say that a third of the school building was on a road reserve. Fortunately, they were given time to do their own demolition so they were able to store and recycle some of the materials. Usually, when the government undertakes demolitions, books and desks are destroyed because they give the schools very short notice. When schools closed at the end of March, Cana was already fundraising as they demolished their building. And now that they have been given the official road markings, they can start building a permanent structure.
Our aim is to try and raise half of the costs, which we appreciate is an ambitious target. To make the target more manageable, we have broken down some of the costs to represent ways in which our individual Friends can help. All donations are gratefully received and will be passed on in a timely way to support this venture. The sooner we can get the children back into their school building, the sooner they can continue their education. Can you help rebuild Cana?
Bag of cement ...................................... £5.50
Half a tonne of sand or ballast ............. £7.70
A quarter of all nails needed ................ £9.30
A quarter of a lorry of stone .................. £46
Half a lorry of machine cut stone ......... £95
Water costs .......................................... £205
Total of timber needed ........................ £880
Half the steel needed ......................... £1625