‼️ The wildlife centre needs your help ‼️
As October has hit, we have seen a record breaking number of hedgehogs at our centre. We are admitting almost 20 hedgehogs per day, as most other places are sadly at capacity. We are admitting as far and wide as Southport, all the way to North Wales and everywhere in between.
The temperatures have plummeted. Most of the hedgehogs coming in are requiring incubation or a heat mat due to extremely low body temperature. It’s also Autumn Juvenile season, so lots of the hedgehogs we are getting are between 100-300 grams, so require extra care and support. Every single hedgehog we admit needs medication: whether it be antibiotics for a lungworm burden, or pain relief for a severe injury. Each and every hedgehog has fluid therapy for 1-3 days, as it is scientifically proven to increase survival chances. Every hedgehog is fed and cleaned daily, resulting in us going through a huge amount of food and cleaning supplies, including specialist foods to give the poorliest animals a chance.
Vet bills. There is only so much we can do as wildlife rehabilitators, but many animals require care that needs to be administered by a registered veterinarian. X-rays, wound sutures or just general assessment for more specialised medicines. It costs us currently £40 per hedgehog to be seen by our vets. We are definitely not complaining, as they are absolutely amazing to us and give us huge discounts, however it very quickly adds up.
So, with all that said, we need your help. All of the above has HUGE costs to us and as a charity (with no government or large organisation support), it is taking its toll. Keeping the animals warm, fed, cleaned, medicated and veterinary care (when required) is so costly to us. Here’s what even the smallest donations can do for us:
🦔 £1 could keep a hedgehog warm
🦔 £5 could keep a hedgehog warm, cleaned and fed for a week
🦔 £10 could cover the costs of medication for a hedgehog
🦔 £20 could keep a hedgehog warm, fed, cleaned and medicated
🦔 £50 could allow a hedgehog to receive life-saving veterinary treatments
🦔 £100 could allow a hedgehog to undergo major surgery or extensive investigation at our veterinary practice
We have over 30,000 followers. £1 from everyone would mean we had £30,000, which would see us right through Winter. Wouldn’t that be incredible 😭
We understand that everyone will be feeling the crunch right now, on the run up to Christmas and with the temperatures dropping. But please, if you’re in a position where you’re able to help a small, but very important, charity then please do 💜
Larger sums of money could shape the future of our charity. We have huge plans, and often talk about everything we would do if we won the lottery 🤣. We can only dream, but for now, we just need to get our animals through winter.
Thank you for your ongoing support 🦔