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Closed 13/01/2023
Heart Of Kent Hospice

Heart Of Kent Hospice Crisis Appeal

Heart of Kent Hospice is facing a funding crisis like never before and the threat of closure later this year. We need to raise £324,300 every month to continue to provide our Hospice care.
by 1237 supporters
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Closed on 13/01/2023
RCN 298164

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Its difficult to live with a terminal illness, but the coronavirus epidemic has made it so much more frightening.

Our doctors, nurses and support teams are continuing to help over 880 terminally ill patients and their families to navigate the turmoil of their illness and the current crisis, both in their homes and in the Hospice Inpatient Unit. The team must get used to delivering that care from behind a mask and gloves and without the hugs which come so naturally to them.

Like you, we dont know how long this is going to last, but we do know that every day more people will be diagnosed with a terminal illness and will be referred to our care. We know that some people will die before their time because of the coronavirus and we want them to also experience the comfort and dignity which our Hospice provides.

We also know that many more people will need the support of our bereavement services as families and friends will be left devastated by the sudden loss of those they love and by not being able to say goodbye properly.

Heart of Kent Hospice is facing a funding crisis like never before and the threat of closure later this year .

We have had to cancel all our fundraising activities and close our fourteen charity shops. Our services have always been very dependent on the support of our local community but most of this income has suddenly vanished.

We need to raise £324,300 every month to provide our care.

We have some savings to get us through difficult times but these will run out later this year if we don't receive enough help. We are asking the government for support in this crisis and also asking you to help secure our future.

We appreciate that times are hard for many at the moment, but ask you to please give what you can.

About the charity

Heart Of Kent Hospice

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 298164
We are a charity caring for local people at the end of their lives. Every year, we care for over 1,900 patients and their families in their own homes, in the community, and in the Hospice.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £4,839.73 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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