These are uncertain times, but the David Lynch Foundation UK are here to help those who need it most.
Right now, healthcare providers on the frontlines desperately need our help. They are dealing with devastating levels of stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep while putting their own lives at risk.
You can help. We have launched a national initiative to teach the life-transforming tool of Transcendental Meditation (TM), at no charge, to doctors, nurses, and other workers who are fighting on behalf of all of us.
The coronavirus pandemic is placing debilitating demands on the professional and personal lives of health care providers. New tools are required to help alleviate this enormous burden of stress. According to a recent NHS survey, nearly 40% of NHS employees had felt ill in the previous year due to work-related stress. Chronic stress has a negative impact on work satisfaction and performance, as well as being linked to a host of undesirable consequences, including substance abuse and addiction, medical errors, and even physician suicide.
The critical need for scientifically documented, non-pharmacological interventions for this crisis can be effectively addressed through an evidence-based meditation technique known as Transcendental Meditation.
TM is an easy-to-learn, enjoyable-to-practice mental technique for deep relaxation and stress-reduction that has been successfully offered in medical schools, academic and Veterans Administration medical centres (in the USA), hospitals, military academies, substance abuse centres, prisons, and other settings worldwide. Transcendental Meditation is practised for 15-20 minutes twice a day. To date, more than ten million people of all ages, nationalities, and religions have learned the technique.
TM practice produces a unique neurophysiological state that combines deep metabolic rest with heightened mental alertness. This state of deep relaxation, which researchers have termed restful alertness, is a potent antidote to stress. Over 400 peer-reviewed published studies on TM have documented improvements in a wide variety of stress-related disorders, as well as significant improvements in cognitive function and overall health and well-being. In the USA, the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense have awarded nearly $30 million in grant support for research on TM.
For further information on this new initiative and for an annotated overview of research on TM, Stress, Burnout, and Resilience please visit our website:
Thank you for your support!