For over 35 years, Rotary and its members have been committed to fighting to eradicate polio across the world.
Rotary’s pledge for a polio free world was made in 1985 when there were 125 polio endemic countries and hundreds of new cases every single day. In the past few years, only two countries have reported cases of polio caused by the wild polio virus but no child anywhere is safe until every child has been fully vaccinated.
Thanks to Rotary, and the support of our partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, the only two countries still classed as endemic are Pakistan and Afghanistan. The land border between these two countries is 1240 miles and therefore, the Rotary Club of Halstead, which sits in District 1240 is aiming to raise £1,240 for ‘End Polio Now’.
It costs just 20p to protect a child with a life changing polio vaccination. Every £1 that you are able to give will be matched by an additional £2 from the Gates Foundation, so please give as generously as you can.
If you are interested in joining the Rotary Club of Halstead or finding out more, please contact Keith Brownlie on