Gwlad yng Nghanolbarth America yw Honduras, rhwng Guatemala ir gorllewin a Nicaragua ir dwyrain. Maen rhan or goridor sych llain o dir yn ymestyn o dde Mecsico i Panama syn hynod fregus i newid hinsawdd oherwydd y nifer o bobl syn byw yng nghefn gwlad ac mewn tlodi yno.
Yn ystod El Niño 2009, dioddefodd y coridor sych sychder drwg, gyda 50-100% or cnydaun cael eu heffeithio. Erbyn 2018 amcangyfrifwyd fod tua 25% or boblogaeth yn dioddef anniogelwch bwyd. Maer argyfwng hinsawdd wedi ychwanegu at fudo torfol.
Wrth i batrwm y tywydd waethygu oherwydd hinsawdd syn newid, mae addasu yn allweddol os am oroesi. Trwy waith partneriaid Cymorth Cristnogol fel OCDIH ac eraill yn Honduras ac ar draws Canolbarth America ar Caribî, rydym yn gallu cefnogi cymunedau sydd ar reng flaen yr argyfwng..
I wybod mwy ewch i
The republic of Honduras is a Central American country located between Guatemala to the west and Nicaragua to the east. It forms part of the dry corridor a belt of land stretching from southern Mexico to Panama which is particularly vulnerable to climate change due to the high number of people living in rural areas and in poverty.
During the El Niño of 2009, the dry corridor suffered serious drought, with 50-100% of crops being affected. By 2018, it was estimated that some 25% of the regions population were experiencing food insecurity. The climate crisis has contributed to mass migration.
As weather patterns continue to worsen because of the changing climate, adapting is key to survival. Through the work of Christian Aid partners like OCDIH and others in Honduras and across Central America and the Caribbean, we are able to support communities on the frontline of the crisis.
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