Friends of Green Oaks is challenging every child/family at Oakwood and Greenfields to raise £20.22. The money raised will contribute towards our Every Child a Reader campaign to buy new books by key authors, a family support library and a reading shed at Greenfields.
You can choose how you raise your money and you are not limited to raising £20.22!!
About our Every Child A Reader campaign:
At Green Oaks, we believe it is important that all children are exposed to a range of high quality texts both in school, and at home, to develop a living library in their minds. Books are specifically chosen for each year group to match both our school and our reading values. This term, we would like to focus our fundraising on purchasing books based on world renowned authors for both libraries, establish a parent lending library to support understanding of child mental health and for children to enjoy reading outside through the construction of a reading shed at Greenfields.