Your support makes a big impact for the amazing NHS Heroes who have been working to save and transform local lives.
Your support will help wherever the need is greatest and enable us to make an impact for NHS staff through projects such as mental health support, staff wellbeing areas, and new garden spaces for staff and patients.
Thanks to all who have already given their support, enabling us to fund projects throughout lockdown which have included:
Over 10,000 Boost bags and boxes distributed to give refreshment for teams working intensively to care for patients
Specialist hand cream and moisturiser to ease PPE and infection control sores
'Staff Rest Hubs' were quickly established across sites as places for staff to take a break during periods of intensive work,
Fold-out beds and reclining chairs have been delivered and are helping staff rest and recuperate
£100,000 of specialist mental health support has already been provided, including a clinical psychologist to work directly giving 1:1 mental health support for staff who have been working under pressure.
Find out more about how your support can help at