By taking part you’re helping to bring clean water to communities, keeping children healthy and free to go to school
6K is the average distance that children, often girls walk every single day to fetch water for their community.
It's very easy to take part: simply click on Give Now and do your 6K or if you'd like to walk or race together with friends and family, click on Start fundraising and set up your page or team.
That's easy! Ramp up the miles by committing to walk more than 6K. A child in a lower income country may walk 6K several times a day, every single day of the year. Could you do that for a week?
Use the NHS fitness app to help build you up and get you ready for your 6K challenge.
Use this opportunity to get together and have fun with friends and family. Discover a new route. Race and compete. Organise water games. Have a picnic or BBQ. Set up your fundraising page now and get your friends to take part.
By donating and taking part in the Global 6K Walk for Water, you agree to receive our Friends of World Vision bimonthly updates. Unless you have given us consent in some others ways, you will not receive anything else from us.
We will always respect your preferences and you can change the way you hear from us at any time, or opt-out from all communications by contacting us. Simply call freephone 08000 858188 or email We will always treat your data with the utmost respect in line with current Data Protection laws and commit to storing your personal information securely and will never sell or share your information with others.