The first Global Egg School was launched by the IEF in 2019 in Mozambique with the aim of providing participants with practical training to improve their understanding of crucial processes in egg production. This invaluable exchange of knowledge allowed participants to develop better, more sustainable sources of high-quality nutrition for their families and communities.
The school has since extended its reach to Zimbabwe, with a series of virtual Global Egg Schools being delivered throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring this educational support was able to continue during this period.
Attendees of IEF training programmes gain the ability to self-maintain their farms and pass on their knowledge to other egg farmers, encouraging project sustainability and extending positive impacts into the wider community. One trained farmer can provide 30,000 people with an egg a week, significantly improving their nutritional health.
Participants are trained by a technical team of international experts, covering topics such as layer rearing, biosecurity, layer nutrition, human nutrition and vaccination. The train the trainer approach means that the positive impacts of the programme have extended far beyond the attendees, with knowledge being passed on to other egg farmers, team members and local out-growers.
Every donation makes a difference!
£200 provides specialist technical training for one egg farmer.
Our campaign goal of £5,000 will provide 25 farmers with this specialist training, enabling them to self-maintain their farms and pass on their knowledge to their teams and other egg farmers in their community.
Donate today to ensure future generations gain the skills needed to establish an independent and sustainable source of high-quality egg protein, to help feed their families and communities for years to come.