A College Hill neighborhood resident for 42 years, Liz is now a 74-year-old, single, disabled, chronically-ill senior who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Liz is also a homeowner who chooses to "age in place," that is, she wants to live on her own for as long as she can. Over the years, Liz found herself unable to maintain the physical and financial demands of keeping up with basic home repairs, given that typical costs average more than $5,400 annually for St. Louis City homeowners. If she were to stay in her home, Liz would need to find a way to make home improvements and make some practical modifications to accommodate her growing mobility needs and other physical challenges. On her SSI Income, though, she just couldn't afford the increasing costs associated with home repair. While attending a College Hill neighborhood community meeting, Liz learned about the College Hill Foundation Homeowner Rehab Program. Soon after, she applied. Within a few weeks, Liz was approved to receive the home repair assistance that she so desperately needed.
After completing a simple Homeowner Rehab Program application documenting income and owner occupancy, Liz qualified for College Hill Foundation to rehab her home. Her rehab project involved a new roof that addressed ceiling leakage and helped lower her heating bill; bathroom mold removal; two grab bars installed above her tub; some sturdy front-step railing; better and brighter kitchen lighting; wall-to-wall interior painting; and a long-over due permanent fix to her backyard fence. These necessary major and minor repairs done through the College Hill Foundation Homeowner Rehab Program have allowed Liz to safely reside and remain in her remodeled, ADA-equipped home. While modest upgrades, these repairs are critical to Liz's comfort, health, safety, and well-being.
Like so many of her neighbors, Liz can remain in her College Hill residence with support made possible with donations to the College Hill Foundation from friends and neighbors like you.