Many charities have been struggling due to the Covid 19 pandemic, so why should you support Alex TLC?
We are the only charity in the UK that provides invaluable support to anyone affected by a genetic leukodystrophy.
Leukodystrophies are genetic disorders that mainly affect the white matter of the central nervous system (i.e. the brain or spinal cord). Most leukodystrophies are degenerative, causing symptoms such as impaired mobility, vision, speech and hearing, incontinence, inability to swallow and loss of cognitive skills. In some cases, they can sadly be terminal.
With your help we can continue to:
Enable more patients, families and carers to access vital support and information
Connect patients and families to others living with similar disorders
Raise awareness and improve public and professional education through events and campaigns
Advance medical research to find better treatments, enable early diagnosis and increase life expectancy.