Girls Inc. of the Seacoast Area is a program of the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center and an affiliate of Girls Incorporated®, a national research, education and direct advocacy organization that inspires girls to be strong, smart, and bold. We are thrilled to announce our first Girls Inc. T-shirt Sale, a fundraiser to benefit the Girls Inc. of the Seacoast Area program.
Top fundraisers will have the opportunity to win a prize basket, gift cards and more!
Girls Inc. offers a research-based curriculum that includes STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), Media Literacy, Economic Literacy, Growing up Strong, Smart and Bold (friendships and conflict resolution) and Healthy Living/Self-care. Our programs are offered during the academic school year, school vacations and the summer.
In-person and virtual programming are provided in a safe, socially distant manner. Girls and the adults in their lives have shared just how important these social connections are during a time of isolation when girls are missing peer interactions.