Geez A Gi is a charity promoting health and well-being through participation in sport, specifically Martial Arts. They are the first charity of its kind in the UK, helping individuals get into, or stay in, Martial Arts.
The charity aims to provide those looking to participate in a Martial Arts class, but who are unable to do so due to financial constraints, with a Gi or discipline specific uniform. They hope by doing this more people will take up Martial Arts and reap the benefits, both mentally and physically, that come from practising.
The charity is not affiliated with any Martial Arts governing body and therefore are not subjected to any political agendas which too often arise in Martial Arts, instead they are a cross discipline charity looking to help anyone regardless of their chosen discipline.
As this is our first campaign, our Board of Trustees have taken it upon themselves to set challenges that will test them personally. Since we are a Martial Arts charity all the challenges will relate to the Budo principles of self mastery, testing the Trustees mind, body, and spirit.
Alan Ball - our English Ambassador will push himself physically and mentally when he takes on his challenge of 'Two Peaks in Two Days'. He plans on starting his gruelling journey on the slopes of Snowdon before driving 198 miles to take on Scafell Pike.
Joan Law - the charity's Secretary, will 'Be Like Water' in her aquatic challenge. This will see her treading water for 20 minutes, before swimming 500m in the one session. No doubt this avid swimmer will be able to do this, however it will test her endurance and determination.
Rasa Kilikeviciute - Treasurer of the Charity will be testing her self discipline by having 'No Caffeine for 30 Days'. As someone who loves cuppa of tea, and has a cup of coffee at least once a day, this challenge will not only test her will but also test her physically and psychologically.
Matthew Law - Geez A Gi's Chairman will be 'Finding Inner Peace', by practising active meditation through Qi-Gong exercises for 30 minutes each day. These daily 30 mins will be completed outside, somewhere preferably scenic, however no doubt the Scottish weather will give him a run for his money.
We are fundraising just now so that we can purchase the first lot of Gi, and other discipline specific uniforms, ready to distribute when applications open at the start of Summer 2023. A Gi cost normally around £12 to £15 for a junior size and £20 to £30 for an adult size. Please do not feel you have to donate a specific amount as all donations count and will help us reach out target.
If you are a practitioner and would like to donate your old used Gi, or perhaps a new one that did not fit, please get in contact with us to arrange that.
If you would like to know more about Geez A Gi, please check us out on Facebook, our website, or you can email us at
Thank you for your donation and support.