2021 is the 40th anniversary of the foundation of GHCT and we are celebrating by aiming to raise an additional £40,000 this year - £1,000 for each year of our history!
We raise funds and provide £150,000 in grants for churches every year in Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire and North Bristol. Our church renovation and improvement grants help these buildings stay alive as active centres of community life and landmarks of the wonderful architectural heritage of this area.
Since our inception, we have given grants of over £2 million to local churches. Our £40,000 for 40 Years campaign aims to raise additional funds now so we can continue to help churches into the future.
In the last 10years, grants totalling over £1.25 million have been awarded to more than 250 churches. While many of the beneficiaries have been Anglican churches, grants have also been made to other Christian denominations including Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Baptist, Methodist, Congregational and the New Testament Church of God.
GHCT's grant-making is funded by contributions from over 1,000 supporters together with income from our endowment fund (created mainly from legacies). In addition GHCT raises income from organising events, including the annual Ride+Stride fundraising event.
GHCT campaigns through the media and in other ways to increase public awareness of the glories of our churches and to encourage church visits.