This is an urgent appeal to support our international Partner charities, so they can continue to act for nature.
We are asking you to GET MOVING FOR NATURE and fundraise by moving in any way! You can walk, run, cycle, dance, juggle, or even birdwatch! Whatever you can do, within the confines of your local lockdown, to raise money to help this vital cause.
Why does conservation need your help? Our Partner in Fiji, NFMV, direct 90% of their fund to field activities, which they can't currently undergo. With limited core funding available, they will not be able to keep their small team of 5 staff, 3 interns and their office running.
WESM, our Partner in Malawi, have been operating in the country since 1947. As a result of Covid-19, field research and conservation activities have been put on hold, while funding for volunteers working in the field has been discontinued. Nine major fundraising events planned for the year, including seedling sales and monthly talks have been cancelled.
Our Partner in Jordan, RSCN, normally receive 50% of their funding from ecotourism. Without this, they are facing a significant drop in their own funding, and that of local people. Furthermore, curfews are preventing them from carrying out important work.
These are just three examples of how international conservation needs our help. Take part and help us to create this emergency fund to keep the Partnership moving.