Join Barclays WIN Gender Network and the Working Families Network as we Get Active for GFS (Girls Friendly Society) . From 16th to 31st May we are challenging teams from all Barclays Offices to be as active as possible and to raise funds for this confidence building charity for girls and young women.
GFS is a small feminist children's charity. Their mission is to support and inspire girls and young women by creating spaces where they feel safe and valued, so that they can build strong foundations that will prepare them for lifes challenges.
GFS aim to achieve their vision through weekly groups where girls and young women feel safe and valued, so they can build strong foundations that will prepare them for lifes challenges. GFS groups are run by inspiring women volunteers to deliver activities geared towards growth, confidence and wellbeing.
How will our fundraising help GFS?
£5 donation would help: provide a group with a book about diverse women role models for them to base activities on.
£10 donation would help: provide funds to cover resources for a group activities.
£20 donation would help us: pay one weeks hire fee on an accessible venue for one of our groups.
£32 donation would help us: cover the difference between what we charge for one month of sessions and how much they cost us to run.
£40 donation would help us: allow us to waive one month of fees for a GFS girl who would not otherwise be able to attend.
Coming along to the groups has made me more confident because each week we all work together and make each other feel welcome and make each other have self confidence, so it makes me feel better about myself.