The North West Highlands Geopark half marathon runners concept was initiated this spring by Rock Stop visitor centre staff members Helen and Jonathan.
The Rock Stop is located in Unapool at the heart of the Geopark and right beside the bustling NC 500 route. It opened in 2015 and comprises of a café, community shop and a geology exhibition room. It's the central hub for the Geopark team, residents and visitors alike.
The Rock Stop staff wanted to participate in a regional event that would enable remote Geopark communities to come together for camaraderie and the good of common causes. We live in the most sparsely populated region of Europe. Interaction and unity amongst our small and isolated communities is a precious thing!
The event we chose to support is the perennially popular Coigach half marathon in October. It's a breathtakingly beautiful course around the Coigach peninsula.
For more details about the Coigach half marathon (including how to enter) here's a link to the event's excellent and informative official website:
We are looking for two types of runners to join us: runners from within the Geopark to represent their communities and runners from outwith the Geopark who are volunteering their support for the Geopark and its communities.
The initial response has been encouraging. To date a handful of runners from within the Geopark have stepped up to proudly represent their communities. We are also delighted to have welcomed runners from as far afield as Plockton, Skye and Glasgow in to our group. Huge thanks to all of you! Keep up the good work in our quest for more runners. The more the merrier and all ages and abilities are welcome to participate.
Should you wish to learn more about the North West Highlands Geopark, then our official website can be browsed via the following link: