Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center in Gonzales invites businesses, restaurants, families and YOU to GEAUX PINK during October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
One in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and with your support, they can receive the highest level of care and support right here at home. Even during these unprecedented times, early detection is key, and catching cancer early is still the best way to ensure a positive outcome. A portion of the funds raised through Geaux Pink support mobile breast cancer screenings across the community at no cost. At a time when job loss and uninsured numbers are at an all-time high, your help is needed more than ever!
Being a part of GEAUX PINK is fun and easy. Team up with co-workers, students, family or friends and make a plan to give back. No matter how big or small, long or short, however you give back, you can make a difference right here in our community!
Donate NOW : Every dollar is needed and appreciated! Click here to make a one-time donation to this year's campaign!
START FUNDRAISING : Ready to start a personal fundraising page? Celebrate your birthday, honor a loved one battling breast cancer or get creative with a personal fitness challenge. The sky is the limit and it's super easy - we will walk you through every step. Click here to get started!
Not sure what personal fundraising is? Click here to learn more about it.
GEAUX PINK SHIRTS : On sale now - show your support during the month of October and beyond! Click here to see this year's styles and design and order yours TODAY!
SIGN UP NOW : Already have an idea - let us know what you have planned in October so we can support you. Click here to quickly register your event with us. You will receive a confirmation email with links to more resources to help you get started!
Check out our GEAUX PINK Toolkit for ideas, fundraising guidelines, social media how to's and frequently asked questions.
Thank you so much for your interest in GEAUX PINK!
Please feel free to reach out should you need anything. We are more than happy to help!
Savannah Henry, Development Coordinator I I 225.215.1202