The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS, pronounced “cause”) serves at the intersection of society’s most serious problems and its biggest opportunities.
Our mission is to harness the transformative power of big ideas and translate them into real-world action. To cultivate curious and creative problem-solvers who leave UWGB prepared to be successful in their personal and professional lives and to contribute to the wellness of their communities.
We’re glad you asked!
The core values of CAHSS are the core values of humanity, so donating to CAHSS is an investment in a more humane future. Our students learn to become active citizens who are driven by calls for equity and social justice. They learn entrepreneurship that accounts for diversity and inclusivity. They are becoming innovators who are guided by human kindness.
Our mission is to prepare students for the challenges of an increasingly technological future that also accounts for human needs and human complexity; this is how we are preparing UWGB graduates to literally change the world.