The Kate Farrer Foundation (KFF) has been supporting amazing grassroot charities around the world since 2014. We work together with global
causes including Childaid in Eastern Europe and Medical Aid for Palestine as well as smaller organisations that do great work for vulnerable children despite minimal resources. In UK we fund NHS neonatal nurses training and campaigns to support the homeless, and hope to expand both of these important initiatives. (For more info visit
The KFF relies on the financial support of our loyal donors and the generosity shown at our summer fundraisers. But every one of our charities has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and is struggling. As we couldn't organise a physical fundraiser in 2020, we can't ensure that our 2021 income can cover the most basic needs of struggling children and their families, at a time when private philanthropy is critical.
The KFF's Fun in February appeal is simple: can you help our charities by raising £100 each? Between 1st to 28th February 2021, you pick a challenge (a one-off activity or a daily/weekly event), ask your friends and family to sponsor you £100, and donate that money to us. This is just a £10 from 10 contacts, but it is a lifeline for thousands of people worldwide.
Your fun task can be anything! Something straightforward (but no less challenging) like running your first 5k or dying your hair, or aspirational - have you always wanted to learn 100 words in Arabic or train for a triathlon? Have a think... then follow these steps:
- Let a KFF Trustee know what your idea is (either message or email us personally)
- Join the KFF's Facebook group ( and send us photos/video before and during your challenge. We will share your ideas, prep and progress on here and Facebook to inspire others!
- Tell friends and family and think about how to raise your money. Either you raise the £100 (or more) and donate it as a lump sum straight to this campaign, or set up a separate fundraising page which we'll link to this page. For example, Trustee Dave Jenkins' page is here:
We will keep in touch with you to find out how the challenge is going, but feel free to post on our Facebook page and/or summarise your achievements here!
Our hope is that at least 100 people collectively raise £10,000.
If you can convince your friends, partner, kids to join in or raise their own £100 - even better! Please do share this page. The KFF will collate ideas and photos for a sense of comradery and once the money is raised, report where the funds are going and the tangible impact your money will have.
Finally: if you decide a challenge isn't for you, why not join the KFF as a regular donor or gift towards this appeal? A standing order of just £5-10 a month makes a huge difference to each of our charities' abilities to support their vulnerable communities. Our grants buy school books, basic food packs and essential medical equipment; they enable medical antenatal clinics in refugee camps stay open, underpin vital medical training and provides sanitised water facilities in rural, arid communities.