The Ferncumbe C of E Primary school is a small school located in Hatton, Warwickshire and currently has c180 pupils. The school provides a caring and inclusive environment where pupils and staff look out for one another and everyone can ‘enjoy, believe and achieve’.
The Friends of Ferncumbe are aspiring to raise £19,000 to revamp the outdoor playground space within the school grounds. So far we have raised just over £4,500 towards our target with further pledges being finalised. The existing space has limited choice of apparatus for health and wellbeing and learning opportunities.
We would like to add additional apparatus by using the pockets of vacant space within the playground. We have sought the views of the pupils at Ferncumbe and it is their wish to have more choice and apparatus that supports imaginative play, physical activity and health and wellbeing.
Our wish list includes:
• A dedicated nature corner e.g. mini beast boxes/wormery
• Role play equipment e.g. viking long boat
• Outdoor gym equipment with rubber matting to be accessible in all weather conditions
• Additional bench seating
Our objective is to provide an inclusive and more engaging space for the children and to provide greater choice at break times, whilst also supporting teachers to facilitate learning sessions outside of the class room.
We need to be in a position to have raised the total cost of £19,000 before we can place our order with our chosen supplier. We have aspirations for delivering this project within the next 12 months and we need your help! The Friends of Ferncumbe are actively seeking donations of any size. Please help us make this playground the best it can for the pupils of Ferncumbe both now and in the future.
We are incredibly grateful to local businesses who have already provided financial contributions for this project – we are blessed to have such a generous community.
Whilst working collaboratively with our school to deliver this project we are delighted to hear Mrs Eaves has appointed a project partner to install new colourful thermoplastics playground markings. This is a welcomed addition to the playground and will complement our wish list.
The Friends of Ferncumbe will be hosting a variety of fundraising events throughout the academic year - if you would like to be involved please let us know by emailing:
We are very lucky have a new dedicated website. To find out more about us please visit:
Thank you for your support.
Update - 15/2/2025
A huge thank you to those that have donated directly to our bank account:
Wright Hassall Charitable Trust - £1,000, Ryland Automotive Limited £1,000, Lodders Charitable Foundation £500, Dennis Eagle UK £500, WA Cadbury Trust £500, Moore & Tibbits Solicitors £250, Warwick Lions £300, Warwick Rotary £250, Kigass Aero Components £200.
Friends of Ferncumbe are overwhelmed at the support seen so far. Thank you for your donations.
The children at Ferncumbe have a 'FUN-RAISIN' challenge for February half term and we look forward to hearing about their achievements to support the playground. Good luck families of Ferncumbe!
Update - 10/3/2025
A huge thank you to all of our families at Ferncumbe. Our children smashed the 'FUN-RAISIN' challenge during February half term and raised an amazing £377. It has been wonderful to hear how engaged the children have been in proactively wanting to do their bit to support the playground fundraising. THANK YOU!