Bradford Friendship Choir was founded in 2015 and welcomes refugees, people seeking asylum and their friends and allies. BFC is a joyful singing sanctuary and a safe space to be yourself. We play singing games, project and translate the lyrics of our songs in different languages and we ensure each session includes opportunities for members to get to know each other as part of our inclusive approach.
We make regular contributions to cultural life in Bradford, working with different groups and choirs performing in many venues across the city.
Bradford Friendship Choir receives no regular funding and we are looking to build a group of regular supporters to secure the future of the choir - could you be a friend of BFC?
Our target is to recruit 80 x friends who contribute £5 per month. You can set up a regular donation through this page, or make a one-off gift.
What does it cost to run Bradford Friendship Choir?
£5 pays for bus fare for a choir member on low income to attend a session
£10 pays for bus fares for a choir member on low income to attend two sessions
£50 pays for a supporting musician to come and accompany the choir for one session
£100 contributes to the cost of session planning and delivery by a musical director
Recent Events
We took part in the Lister Park Lantern Parade, Good Chance Theatre poetry and writing evening, the Bradford Doula birthday celebration, and the Schools of Sanctuary award ceremony. A highlight was the Refugee Week Great Get Together celebration when we sang our new song ‘City of the World’ with children from Westminster Primary School. The development of the song was funded by a Bradford 2025 mini seed commission (here is the link to the video: and we were delighted to invite Bradford Voices and BFCS members to sing with us at the premiere launch. In August, it was exciting to sing along with Song Geet (fresh from their appearance at the Coronation!) at the Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield.
What does it mean to people?
Sometimes when I come, I feel troubled and burdened but I leave happy and joyful.
Choir is the highlight of my week. It is fun and joyful and always makes me feel happy.
I really love singing. The teacher is very friendly. At first, I was nervous but after I'm so happy.