Freddie is 18 months old, and from Greater Manchester. He has multiple health conditions, including epilepsy and abnormal brain development, which cause global development delays – physically and mentally.
Mum and dad are always exploring different therapies and specialist equipment to support Freddie in his development – priorities at the moment include:
• encouraging independent movement (Freddie is not yet crawling)
• improving muscle strength (Freddie cannot yet weight bear through his arms or legs), and
• feeding support (we hope to avoid a feeding tube in the future, however Freddie is not yet taking solids)
Your donations will contribute to various therapies, such as speech and language, myofunctional, cranial osteopathy and many different types of physio (e.g. DMI, Movement Lesson). We are also raising funds for specialist equipment recommended by our physiotherapists, including a vibration plate (increases muscle mass), standing frames and various feeding improvement gadgets.
Our BIG, long-term fundraising targets at the moment are for a 3-week intensive at the NAPA centre (the best physio centre for children like Freddie in the UK) and a big trip to America to see a feeding specialist.
Thank you.