We are proud to be launching Footprints this month and are aiming to raise £5000 to kick start our all year round fundraising.
Sharon and Suzie are two bereaved mums who both lost their twin boys, Charlie, Joshua, Rory and Daniel. They both know the importance of receiving good twin and triplet specific bereavement support. They are launching the charity Footprints to help other families who go through a similar experience as themselves.
Sharon supported Suzie after her babies had died, helping her to navigate the complicated and multi-layered type of grief that families experience after the death of a twin or triplet. They’ve since become friends and have worked together as colleagues in the baby loss sector.
Suzie Scofield, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer said: “I first met Sharon a few weeks after my twin babies died, when she was a volunteer Befriender and assigned to me. At that time I was absolutely devastated, feeling lost and isolated in my grief. It is a difficult thing to articulate, but it was such a comfort and relief to talk to someone who had been through a similar loss and who understood many of the complex emotions I was experiencing… as well as showing me a hope for the future in terms of living with my loss, remembering my babies and the possibility of future pregnancies.
Footprints Baby Loss provides support and guidance to families who experience the death of one or more of their twins or triplets before, during or after birth, and will help to educate and train Health Care professionals looking after these parents, promoting good standards of bereavement care.
We understand the value of having a safe space to be able to communicate with someone who has been through something similar, and aim to provide a kind, caring and inclusive approach with our bereavement services. Our support is provided by those who have had first hand experience of twin or triplet loss.
As a core team of two and our brilliant volunteers, we are reliant on your donations to deliver our bereavement services and provide ongoing support to families who have experienced twin or triplet loss, at whatever stage of their bereavement journey.
Your donations will help us in many ways including:
-Delivering our monthly online support groups
-Maintaining an active and engaged online community through our Facebook group
-Offering befriending services to those who need it, at whatever stage of their journey
-Providing training and mental health support for our volunteer befrienders and online community volunteers.