During these unprecedented times of the Coronovirus pandemic we are desperate to reach the six countries of operation to provide basic food and medicines for the families and children that we work with.
Unable to work (usually for £2 per day) has meant that they cannot buy food for their families, leading to hunger (now for many weeks) and some starvation. There is no government to support them and their only way of sourcing food is to scavenge - however due to being in lock down themselves there is no food scavenge!
The communities we work in are rural, cities and villages - some communities serving 3,500 people. Make shift homes on top of each other often housing up to 12 people in one room. There are no washing facilities as there is no water. They cannot stand 2 metres apart because their homes are just feet from each other. The virus hasn't taken hold in our communities as it has in the UK, however we know that just 5 weeks ago we had 29 covid-19 cases confirmed, whereas today its more like 125,000 confirmed cases. We can't bear to think what will happen once the virus takes hold in these countries. But one thing we can do is ensure that they do not die of starvation.
Every penny raised will go to each of our six projects to ensure that they can feed their communities - this means 1,000's of people having access to basic food parcels containing rice, flour, oil; nothing elaborate just the basics to make a simple meal. We have provided our India project with their first intake of food. We now need to reach the others.
Please help us save literally save lives. Let them at least have a chance of surviving this pandemic and not die through starvation.