In 2017, on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee, Fr Dermott Donnelly founded a charity which he called SIGNIFICANCE.
Young people have so much to give to our society and our world and I want to give them every opportunity to develop their potential. Through the projects SIGNIFICANCE will support, young people will be inspired to reach high and achieve their best. (Fr Dermott Donnelly)
One of the projects Significance is supporting this year is FLAME 2023 which will take place on Saturday 4th March at Wembley Arena. The fifth Flame Congress will be the first since the pandemic. The theme 'Rise Up!' reflects this hope, a time to stand up again, together, to find fresh strength, to help others to rise up, and to use the energy and gifts of young people in new ways.
Fr Dermott was an enormous part of the inspiration behind Flame and this year everyone will hold him very much in their thoughts and prayers as they set off for Wembley. Significance wishes to enable 700 young people to have the Flame experience. Please support us so that we can support half the cost for each Flame pilgrim.