The quality of our paddocks in West Sussex has proved to be very beneficial a boon this Winter for our horses after the problems we faced in Somerset. After your help with the Winter Feed Campaign, our charges are in good fettle and looking forward to enjoying the Spring and Summer. However, to make best use of our paddocks we need to refurbish and extend our timber paddock fencing. For our older, wiser denizens, electric fences are perfectly adequate for managing grazing, but as we look to expanding the work of the Peter O'Sullevan High Dependency Unit in rehabilitating more challenging horses we cannot continue to rely on electric fencing. What has made the requirement more urgent has been the arrival at The Stable Yard of the young filly first known as MissNoName, who has had developmental problems with her rear legs, which means it would be unfair to put her into training. Her breeder has done a fantastic job to give her a chance in life outside racing and she now needs time and care to grow into herself before we can determine her future. She is two years old, impeccably bred, spirited and beautiful; she has so much to learn about life, including whether carrots are really meant for horses to eat. However, she is no respecter of electric fences, so our first priority is to provide a safe timber fenced paddock for her to learn to enjoy the great outdoors this Spring and Summer. MissNoName will not be without a name for long: we are launching a competition to come up with the name that our Patron Richard Hoiles deems to be the most appropriate. Even without a name this filly is stealing hearts: we have had a fantastically generous offline donation to kick start our Paddock Fencing Appeal. Please help us meet our target for what will be our main online fundraising through the Summer of 2019.