Our vision is that nobody in Waltham Forest needs to be homeless rough and everyone has a place to go. Help us as we work to achieve this dream for our community.
Forest Churches Emergency Night Shelter has provided shelter to people in crisis due to homelessness in Waltham Forest every winter since 2009. Our shelter is open 1st November - 31st March. Homelessness is on the rise. We need your help to make sure we have enough funds to pay for 15 emergency beds this winter.
Last year, 188 single homeless adults received support from FCENS at our drop-in and our shelter. We accommodated 38 guests with emergency beds. There are many more people like them who need support like them.
The winter shelter 2024-2025 will be at the YMCA Walthamstow. FCENS dedicated casework and lived experience support team work with guests towards stable longer-term housing. Last year we helped 66 single homeless adults into stable move-on accommodation, through our shelter and drop-in service.
Help us to support more people in crisis due to homelessness.