At Justice Outside, we envision a just world where Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color experience safety, health, and abundant joy through meaningful relationships with one another and the outdoors.
We created Explore-A-Thon, our annual summer fundraising campaign, because we know that when People of Color explore the outdoors and take up space, while connecting to natural spaces and each other, it is a radical act. Our work to dismantle racism in the environmental field and outdoor spaces, as much as we love it and know the importance of it, can be (and often is) exhausting and hard. Our Explore-A-Thon campaign is our annual reminder of the things we are fighting so deeply for. Over the course of the campaign, we encourage our community members to get outside, explore, experience radiant joy, and find ways to authentically connect with the outdoors, each other, and Justice Outside.
Exploration can be radical, and Explore-A-Thon is our call to our community to share in our commitment to these radical acts. Since its inception in 2019, Explore-A-Thon has generated over $100,000 in program revenue and general support, all of which has contributed to our growth and impact. With the love of our community bolstering us, and the love for our community motivating us, 2022 is shaping up to be a record year in growth and impact:
- Expanding Liberated Paths Grantmaking to the East coast
- Growing our Rising Leaders Fellowship to two cohorts
- Piloting our OEI: Pathfinders program for OEI alumnx
- Granting $2 million to incredible outdoor and environmental organizations across the country
You, our community, make everything we do possible, so thank you in advance, for joining us during Explore-A-Thon.
Justice Outside
We are grateful for the support of our Explore-A-Thon sponsors: