In these difficult times Wensleydale Railway may not be your key priority. We understand. We want all our friends and supporters to focus on staying safe and well so that when the current crisis is over, we can get back to business as usual as quickly as possible. For this to happen Wensleydale Railway must survive; with most of our usual fundraising channels no longer available, many of our volunteers advised to stay at home and the Railway closed for an indefinite period, survival is not guaranteed.
We are very fortunate that one of our supporters has generously offered to match fund, pound for pound, every donation up to a maximum of £50,000 so this Appeal could raise £100,000.
The Appeal focus will be to ensure that Wensleydale Railway is in a fit state to reopen just as soon as it is sensible to do so.The Leeming Bar Station House lottery funded restoration project is underway. There are additional costs with all heritage buildings such as rotten floor joists; we will not be getting the expected income from school visits and our volunteers will be unable to undertake any of the renovation works for some time. We also want to support work on rolling stock. Whilst the Railway is not operating it is a good time for staff to complete rolling stock overhauls. The Rolling Stock Appeal will fund some of this but we would like to financially support a larger schedule of work.
Rest assured when the current crisis is past the glorious scenery of Wensleydale will still be here for you to visit and with your help, so will its Railway.
Your generosity will really make a difference - thank you and stay safe.