Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said 'Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build a house for him in paradise.' (Sahih Muslim)
Your centre needs your help to continue essential services and work towards becoming debt free. Let us seize this opportunity to invest in our Akhirah, InshaAllah.
We at Darul Ummah Redbridge (DUR), aim to serve the challenging needs of the growing Muslim community in Redbridge and neighbouring areas. At our centre we currently provide prayer facilities, Islamic sermons, and Tajweed classes. In addition, we seek to encourage community cohesion through our elderly forum, educational services, and interfaith discussions. DUR wants to improve community relations, nurture our youth, and enrich your Islamic journey.
Ways you could help:
- To donate through our official website click here, and encourage friends and family to donate too.
- Donate regularly, no matter how little through a monthly standing order/direct debit by contacting us through email:
- Engage with the centre and offer your expertise to improve our essential services.
- Raise funds by organising events and create a fundraising campaign page with a set target, while using social media to attract donors! More fundraising ideas can be found on our website at Support Us.
Together we can serve our community better by making this project a success. May Allah (SWT) accept our efforts and reward us abundantly. May our contribution to this project be the reason for our salvation in the Hereafter.
Let us leave a lasting legacy for generations to come, InshaAllah.