Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is the most common and severe form of muscular dystrophy, present from birth. It usually affects boys from early childhood. DMD is characterised by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. Over time, this causes increasing disability. The mutations are often inherited from a person's parents. Hence, if there is a family history of DMD, early diagnosis of developing the condition and appropriate physical and psychological support could improve the quality of life and mobility of a child. There is currently no known cure for DMD. However, a variety of treatments can help manage the condition, and help with the physical disabilities and problems that may develop.
How Donations to Panah will Support Children with DMD:
Mobility assistance including exercise, physiotherapy, physical aids and accessibility arrangements for schools and communal areas.
Support groups to deal with the practical and emotional impact of DMD for children and families
Surgery to correct postural deformities, such as scoliosis
Medication such as steroids to improve muscle strength, or ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers to treat heart problems
Training - educational campaigns for the public, guardians, families, healthcare professionals, teachers, social workers and dieticians to optimise the care give to children
Diagnosis - examinations, blood tests, electrical tests on nerves and muscles or muscle biopsies.
Treatment - provision of community clinics for specialist paediatric neurological physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and occupational therapy. Access to urgent medical aid and supplies.
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