It can be a frightening time for everyone in hospital at the moment. Add this to being separated from your family over the festive period because you can't have visitors then it turns into a pretty miserable time. The staff are working hard to keep up moral and we are doing what we can to lighten the load.
Even though the clapping has stopped, the vital work of the NHS goes on and we need you to show us how much you care more than ever. Our fundraising events have been cancelled, our retail stalls have been curtailed and our collection boxes have been sitting in shops that have been closed. We are struggling to continue to provide the extras that fall outside of NHS funding - we simply haven't got the money.
It's so simple for you to help. You can make a donation through this page, call 01708 504335 to donate by card or send in a cheque to King George & Queen's Hospitals Charity, Queen's Hospital, Rom Valley Way, Romford RM7 0AG. Think about the savings you will make this Christmas by not going out or having the family round and make a real difference to the well-being of our patients.
You could also set up your own Just Giving fundraising page, linked to our campaign. Why not do a sponsored walk, run or bike ride, shave your head or hold a virtual garage sale over social media? We're here if you have an idea and need some help.
Can your company or community group make a donation? We would love to hear from new friends...
If you're a UK taxpayer, you can make your gift worth more, at no extra cost to you, by ticking the Gift Aid box.
Claire Edwards, from our End of Life Care team, wanted to thank our charity for all they've done during the pandemic. She said: Despite countless moves and changes they are still out there trying to raise funds supporting all of us in every way they can.
In these difficult times they have continued to provide support, been on the end of the phone to discuss ideas and innovations and never faltered with their enthusiasm and drive.
They've been an immense support to our team over the last few years, so although not seen, we would like to let them know they are not forgotten.
When we reach milestones of £1,000, £5,000 and £10,000, everyone who has contributed to the total will go into a free prize draw for a bottle of bubbly so do make sure you give us your name and contact details!