Whether you are doing your Bronze, Silver or Gold DofE award we have fundraising ideas that you can do so you can support the BHF while carrying out your volunteering section.
Being sponsored to do an activity for an hour a week is a great way to fundraise for the BHF while completing your volunteering section.You could set yourself a step or distance challenge such as a run or cycle ride or you could plan a fundraising event such as a quiz night or coffee morning.
Whether you fancy being sponsored to give up your favourite snack or taking part in a sponsored activity such as walking, cycling or swimming challenge we can help you get started.
£2 can help researchers we fund to isolate the DNA from a patients blood sample, in the hope of finding faulty genes causing heart and circulatory diseases.
£6 can help to buy test tubes that researchers we fund use to aid their research into inherited heart conditions.
£16 could support one of our early career scientists to conduct one hour of research.
£22 provides an hour of vital support from a Cardiac Nurse to answer patients questions
£25 could help to give a researcher an hour of access to a powerful microscope helping them to see whats going on inside heart and blood vessel cells.
To find out more about fundraising for the BHF as part of your DofE, check out our DofE page for more information and links to the fundraising resources.
If you have a query or would like more information, please get in touch using our dedicated DofE mailbox