The 26 x 26 Campaign will help support the Denis Law Legacy Trusts Streetsport programme return stronger than ever after the current Covid pandemic. Funds raised by this campaign will go directly to support young people recover from the isolation they have faced over the last 5 months.
26 runners will each complete a one mile segment of a predetermined route around Aberdeen that takes in all the Streetsport session locations.
Starting at RGU the route will see runners carrying a "Yes Ball Games" ball all around the communities of Aberdeen we support with the final leg ending in the centre circle at the Cruyff Court Neale Cooper in Torry.
The event will be held at the same time as this years London marathon (October 4th) and the official application window for the Trusts spot in the 2021 London Marathon will open the second the last runner steps into the centre circle at the end of our event.
Thanks in advance for your support, it really will make a difference.