The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders provides adults and children who have physical disabilities and / or learning difficulties, the opportunity to participate in horse and pony riding, vaulting and carriage driving to promote their social welfare and improve their health and life conditions through training, recreation and rehabilitation.
The Centre usually provides opportunities for over 350 disabled people to horse ride, carriage drive or vault. Diamond receives no government or local authority funding and we rely solely on modest riding fees, donations and fundraising to provide our activities.
COVID-19 has prevented us from running a full programme of equine therapies since March, which has impacted our finances. We have been providing a limited number of activities since September (some disabled lessons, pony corner and able bodied/volunteer lessons) but the new lockdown measures will mean we will have to suspend these, which will hit our income. We were also unable to run our Autumn Fair in September, Diamond's main annual fundraising event.
The COVID-19 Winter Hay Appeal will help towards the costs of feeding and looking after our horses through the current lockdown and the winter months. Whether you cover the cost of one bale (£5.50) or many, your donation will help to ensure the horses are well looked after over the winter and will be very much appreciated. If you used to ride as a school, how about raising the cost of a bale or two by holding an event like a cake sale or a sponsored readathon (or silence!).
If we raise more than enough money to cover our hay costs, your donation will contribute to other costs to keep the horses healthy and happy over the winter months.
We are extremely grateful for any donations we receive to help us get through the current period and hopefully thrive once the pandemic is over.
If you would like more information or would like to volunteer please look at our website